The Conjugate Method Explained


It’s no mystery that Louie Simmons has produced some of the strongest powerlifters in the world and anyone that has been in the trenches for a decent amount of time has more than likely heard of Westside Barbell.

Many think that Louie Simmons’ Conjugate Method is only for powerlifters and will have little carryover to trainees that simply want to look and feel better. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The basic tenets of the Conjugate System can be used without special equipment. In fact, the basis of all my programming used in functional fitness facilities all over the world is the Conjugate Method and we’ve seen amazing results without the use of special equipment.

Of course, if you have access to special equipment like chains, bands, specialty bars, and Reverse Hypers then you’ll simply have more tools in your toolbox and even more chance of success.

We’ll also talk about why improving the aerobic system is a vital part of general fitness, will improve your work capacity (critical to reaping the benefits of Conjugate) as well as improve your recovery.

Build a base of fitness

One tenet of the Conjugate Method that I’m almost positive many don’t think of is improving muscular endurance. Using measures like sled work we can effectively improve aerobic capacity/oxidative qualities as well as bridge the gap between our extreme max effort and dynamic effort training sessions.

This work also improves the oxidative quality of fast-twitch fibers – Type 2 fibers have an aerobic ability as well as anaerobic ability.

I’m always surprised to find out how little coaches prescribe sledwork. Using a sled may be one of the most valuable training tools we have available. Luckily, more and more commercial gyms have things like pulling or pushing sleds and indoor turf.

Obviously, this is not the case everywhere, but purchasing your own sled can take your progress and recovery to the next level for around $120 bucks.

The sled is a mainstay in Conjugate Programming and used for strengthening as well as restoration. In addition, we can effectively train all three energy systems with the sled, performing both short and long intervals of work making this tool quite versatile.

Moreover, sledwork is a great way to unload with little to no external loading. The sled also provides a nice unilateral component which allows us to continuously address asymmetries.

Next, loaded carries certainly should have a place in any training program and this programming we’ll have a rotation of carrying on a regular basis. In addition to improving core stability, we can also use loaded carries coupled with sled work as a high-resistance aerobic method. This combination is a great way to build your resiliency.

Finally, the Conjugate Method uses high-volume band work to improve connective tissue quality thereby strengthening tendons. This high-volume work also has a profound effect on increasing stored kinetic energy which will be used for Alactic work max effort work.

The good news here is that this work can be done just about anywhere with a few inexpensive bands on hand. Additionally, for the amount of time that’s needed for this work on a daily basis (5-10 minutes), there is a huge return on investment!

Building a base of fitness is something we talk about quite a bit and an aspect of training is arguably the most important. For more information check this article out here.

Repeated Effort Method

The Conjugate Method is actually made up of 80% special exercises meaning your work with the barbell will only make up 20% of your training volume. This may come as shock to many, but the logic is pretty simple: spend the bulk of your time working on improving your limitations and your classic lifts will improve. Because of this, we are able to add volume to smaller movements with the overall objective of improving deficiencies.

Often times trainees fail to take inventory of where they struggle the most and experiment with exercises that will potentially help improve their limiting factors. This is what special exercises are; exercises that are similar in the execution of the classic lift and are used to increase strength and form (Simmons, 2015).

Of course, improving performance is important to many trainees, but what about for folks that simply want to look better? Special exercise work can be instrumental in helping add lean muscle-mass as rep ranges (6-20) will facilitate muscular hypertrophy where time under tension will be significantly higher than your max effort and dynamic effort work. Remember, the goal here is to improve and isolate lagging muscle-groups so single-joint exercises are a pillar in Conjugate programming.

So let’s talk about some of the benefits of prioritizing special exercises in your programming:

 1. Single Joint Work

Just as a bodybuilder spends a significant amount of time isolating specific muscle-groups the Conjugate Method employs a high-volume of hypertrophy work. In an effort to target where we may be lacking, we can add a high volume of work without the risk of exacerbating compensation patterns.

2. Added Volume to Small Movements, Not Big Movements

It’s much safer to push the volume of a unilateral movement like a split squat in comparison to a bilateral movement like a back squat. Additionally, pushing the volume on compound movements carries inherent risks of overuse injury.

3. Time Under Tension

Because unilateral work requires less skill and neural demand, we can increase loading and volume commensurately, thereby increasing time under tension. This leads to increasing muscular hypertrophy and most trainees that object to using the conjugate method are simply uninformed about its influence on body composition. Let’s be clear, if done correctly you’ll be able to add lean-body mass relatively fast and evenly.

4. Bring Up Other Movements

If you want your sexy movements like squats, pulls, and Olympic lifts to go up, then you have to prioritize where you are weakest. For most, it’s as simple as adding more direct posterior chain work to see noticeable gains in all of the aforementioned lifts. Remember, technique will only take you so far. At some point, you need to get stronger and we cannot think simply squatting and pulling alone these lifts will continuously go up. As a side note, WSBB average Deadlift is 860, yet they rarely pull off the floor.

 5. Prehab/Rehab

We can effectively reduce the risk of injury as well as rehabilitate current injuries with accessory work. Again, advanced trainees must be constantly accessing where they may be limited. Luckily, the internet is full of great resources that can help regular folks that are necessarily fitness professionals, but if all else fails the guidance for a qualified physical therapist will likely help provide some direction with your accessory work.

Max Effort & Dynamic Effort Training

The model of working harder or going “balls to the wall” to increase your chances of success is incredibly flawed. Instead, having a balance of intensity/volume with your training modalities is a better method for continuous progression and longevity.

Before we break down both the Max Effort Method and Dynamic Effort Method, let’s consider that both methods represent two different objectives, volume prescriptions, and intensity zones. Because of these truisms, there is a synergy between maximal lifting and lifting for bar velocity, both of which are crucial for progression and avoiding overtraining.

Let’s address some of the traits of the ME method. Just to be clear I’m referring to 1-Rep maxes, not multiple rep maxes as the ME method is intended to be a singular effort.

  • Strength-speed work is low velocity. Bar deceleration is inevitable with loads higher than 90% of one’s 1-rep max.
  • Neurological improvements from both a central perspective as well as a movement pattern perspective (intra vs. inter-muscular firing).
  • Intensity = 100% (or more), or maximum
  • Volume is intended to be low (typically 60% or less of our Dynamic Effort Work).
  • Can lead to accommodation if variations are not rotated consistently. Variations must be rotated weekly.
  • Must be separated from DE work by at least 72 hours to allow for proper CNS recovery.
  • Is incredibly safe when used with athletes that already demonstrate proper movement patterns.
  • Follow Prilepins chart performing no more than an optimal number of 4 repetitions with loads that exceed 90%.
  • Maximum number of motor units activated
  • Trainees can “autoregulate” and go by feel
  • Retest max-effort variations every 12 weeks.

Now let’s compare the Dynamic Effort Method (DE):

  • Speed-strength work is intermediate velocity using loads of 75-85% of one’s 1-rep max (1RM) (50-60% of 1RM if using accommodating resistance).
  • Utilizes high-threshold motor units and facilitates RFD.
  • Volume is high with a moderate level of intensity.
  • Accommodating resistance is recommended to ensure we have proper loading throughout full range-of-motion (ROM)
  • Must be separated from ME Method by at least 72 hours.
  • Can help athletes with higher concentrations of Type 1 muscle-fiber (slow twitch) learn to move faster and be aggressive.
  • Utilizes Type 2 Fibers
  • More emphasis on movement efficiency than loading.
  • Follow Prilepins chart performing the optimal number of repetitions with loads ranging from 50-60% of 1RM using 25% of accommodating resistance in the form of band tension or chains.

As you can see, there is a balance between the two methods that are undeniable, both with unique characteristics that allow for a symbiotic relationship.

How does this apply to athletes that just want to look and feel better? Both modes of training elicit different hormonal responses that can aid in fat-loss and post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) which can elevate one’s basal metabolic rate for 12-24 hours prior to exercise. Moreover, priority is placed on hypertrophy work following both the ME/DE method which is where trainees will incur gains in lean body mass.

Accommodating Resistance

Accommodating Resistance refers to the use of chains or bands to develop maximal tension throughout the full range of motion, rather than at your weakest point. While there are a number of benefits to using Accommodating resistance, one of the most noteworthy is accommodating the strength curve in which tension is highest where we are strongest and lowest where we are weakest.

Key Points of Accommodating Resistance

  1. Sticking points: Allows for greater accountability with bar-speed compared to just straight weight- as tension increases through ROM athletes are forced to accelerate through each repetition and not get complacent. 
  2. Strength Curve: Accommodating resistance coincides with the strength curve meaning your band tension will be highest where you are strongest (top of the movement) and lowest where you are weakest (bottom of the movement).
  3. The rate of force development: Provides more resistance without compromising bar speed.
  4. Force-velocity curve: As weight increases, bar speed decreases. Maximal strength force is high and velocity is low. Accommodating resistance gives you the ability to develop speed-strength whereas simply adding straight weight bar velocity will inevitably decline.
  5. Force Absorption  Teaches athletes how to absorb more force which in turn allows them to become more powerful.
  6. Bar deceleration: Without bands or chains, bar deceleration is inevitable and when bar speed is too slow, RFD simply cannot be developed. Accommodating resistance forces you to accelerate through full ROM and becoming more explosive translates to becoming stronger!
  7. Wear & Tear: The use of accommodating resistance can also be used for ME work. The advantage here is we will be able to use less straight weight with overload occurring at the top of a given movement. As a result, external loading through ROM is lower which equates to less breakdown and delayed soreness. For a movement like a max effort rack deadlift where loading for some can reach supramaximal levels, being able to use Accommodating Resistance will certainly reduce the amount of wear and tear that would normally occur with just straight weight.

Bands vs. Chains

The major difference between bands vs. chains is the phenomenon known as “overspeed eccentric”. Put simply, in the case of a squat, the lowering portion of your lift is greatly increased where the bands actually pull you down, increasing the amount of kinetic energy that is produced. Because of this, we are able to enhance reversal strength and our ability to absorb force, crucial to any sport. Clearly with chains, the “overspeed eccentric” is not present whereby the resistance does not stay consistent when an athlete is lowering the weight.

“We know the greatest athletes have the highest amount of stored energy where muscles stretch and contract. With band tension, it can force an individual down very compulsorily, causing a strong stretch reflex. How does this work? Think of a basketball. Drop it and it falls at the speed of gravity near earth of 9.8 m/s. When it recoils, the ball has deformation as it contacts the floor, but if it is thrown downward with great velocity, it bounces up much higher. Why? Greater deformation acts much like the deformation of the tendon and muscle where the energy is stored. -Simmons, 2015

Overall, using bands is particularly advantageous to strength athletes who want to become more explosive. These benefits can translate into cracking personal records in the big three.


While jumping is an integral part of the Conjugate Method for improving explosive strength, for general population athletes that simply want to look and feel better and hit new personal records from time to time, we don’t dedicate as much time as they do at Westside to the use of plyos. At Westside they perform anywhere from 40-60 jumps twice a week.

With our programming for the general population, we’ll perform 20-25 jumps twice a week as this work is still important to train type 2 fibers – this done in the final stage of our warm-up to drive the sympathetic nervous system prior to training.

Of course, if you’re an athlete and need to get better at your given sport then we could certainly devote more time to plyometrics, but the fact of the matter is the article is directed at regular folks that may not play a competitive sports anymore and a lower volume of plyometric work in the form of jumps will suffice.

When used correctly plyometric training has been shown to improve the production of muscle force and power so not only will regular plyometric work help with the overall goal of body-composition but will it will also improve performance.

This work doesn’t need to be overly complicated either. A few of our go-to’s are:

  • Seated Dynamic Box Jumps
  • Seated Dynamic Vertical Jumps
  • Standing Box Jumps
    *All of three of these variations additional resistance can be added to change the variation.

Putting it all together

Just to recap we’ve covered that the Conjugate Method is made up of 80% of special accessory work via the Repeated Effort Method. This work will not only improve your classic lifts but also illicit gains in muscular hypertrophy. The other 20% of Conjugate Programming is delivered via the Max Effort Method where intensity is the highest, but the lowest amount of volume and the Dynamic Effort Method which uses a moderate level of intensity with submaximal weights where the objective is bar velocity.

With the Dynamic Effort Method, the volume is significantly higher than that of the ME method where both methods correspond with each other to optimize gains in both speed-strength and strength-speed and to prevent overtraining. Lastly, you’ll have the opportunity to build your base of fitness by using GPP based measures that will not only improve your aerobic capacity, your ability to recover between sessions, but also allow you to minimize the risk of injury.

Key points & 3-Week Template

  • Max Effort and Dynamic Work are separated by 72 hours
  • Smaller workouts can occur every 12-24 hours ie. sledwork, band work
  • Prilepins chart is adhered to for all volume prescriptions. If you’re not familiar with Prilepins chart I suggest you familiarize yourself beforehand.
  • Max Effort variations are rotated each week and retested every 12 weeks. Westside actually recommends retesting your classic lifts every 8-weeks, but for most folks that have unpredictable lives outside the gym, I’ve found every 12-weeks to be a bit more practical.
  • Special exercises can be rotated every 1-3 weeks. If you’re like me and have training ADHD, you’ll want to rotate variations weekly as folks like us love novelty, but for almost 2-3 weeks is enough to evaluate the efficacy of a particular variation for your individual needs.
  • Dynamic Effort variations will be rotated every 3 weeks done as a pendulum wave. After 3-weeks time, new variations will be chosen and a new wave will begin.
  • Think outside the box! Don’t get pigeonholed into doing the same variations or what you’re good at; constantly evaluate your weaknesses.


Max Effort Lower 
Week 1: Rack Deadlift just below the Knee 1-Rep Max. Use chains if available.
Week 2: High Box Squat 1-Rep Max. Use a 15-17″ Box.
Week 3: Sumo Deadlift off 2″ mats 1-Rep Max. Use bands if possible.
– Build to a 1-Rep max in 6-8 sets. Your sets should look something like 3,3,2,1,1,1,1,1..
– Have a plan in place to break a personal record by 5#s.
– There should NOT be more than 4 singles over 90% of your 1RM.
– Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Special Exercises, Choose 2
– Sledpull: 5 x 60 yards using a heavy load. Powerwalk using a heel-to-toe fashion
– Glute Ham Raises: 3-4 x 5-10 Reps.
– Single-Leg Variations: 3-4 x 8-10 ea.
– RDL Variation: 3-4 x 8-10.
– Goodmorning Variation: 3-4 x 8-10
– Reverse Hyper: 4 x 10-20.

Abs, Choose 1:
– Barbell Rollouts: 4 x 10
– Straight Leg Raises (weighted or unweighted)
– Banded Alphabet: 3 sets each side
– Decline Zercher Sit-ups: 4-5 x 10-15.

Band Work, Choose 1
– Double Leg Banded Leg Curls x 100 Reps
– Banded Pull-through x 100 reps
– Single-Leg Banded Leg Curls x 100 reps each
– Prone Banded Leg Curls x 100 Reps


Strongman Endurance

EMOM 40:

  • Minute 1: Moderate Weight Sled Push for 100 feet
  • Minute 2: Front Rack Kettlebell Carry for 100 feet
  • Minute 3: Heavy Stone or Sandbag Carry against stomach for 100 feet
  • Minute 4: Backward Sled Drag for 100 feet
  • Minute 5: Recover for 60 seconds


Dynamic Effort Upper
Week 1-3: Speed Bench Press against bands: 9 x 3 @40-50%, every 45s.
– change grip every 3 sets ie. close, medium, wide grip
– Keep your percentage at 40-50% for all three weeks to ensure maximal bar velocity.
– Each set should be explosive where you’re able to deliberately accelerate the bar through eccentric and concentric ROM (compensatory acceleration).

Special Exercises, choose 2
– Chest Supported Rows: 3-4 x 8-10
– Rollback DB Tricep Extensions: 3-4 x 10-15
– JM Presses: 3-4 x 10-12
– Barbell Row variation: 4 x 6-8.
– Lat Pulldown variation: 3 x 12-15
– Incline DB Bench: 2 x 60s max reps
– 1-Arm DB Rows: 3-4 x 10-15 ea.
– Seated Rope Facepulls: 3 x 15.
– Seated Incline DB Curls: 3 x 10-12
– DB Shrugs: 3-4 x 12-15
Abs, Choose 1:
– Cable Side Bends: 4 x 10 ea.
– Stir the Pot: 4 x 20s Max Reps each direction
– Cable High to Low Woodchop: 3-4 x 10-15 ea.

Band Work, choose 2:
– Banded Pull-aparts x 100 reps
– Banded Pulldowns x 100 reps
– Banded Pushdowns x 100 reps
– Banded Facepull-aparts x 100 reps


Cardiac Output Method
– 30-60 minutes of Cyclical Work ie. row, bike, treadmill
– 30-minute light sledpull powerwalk


Dynamic Effort Lower
– Sledpull Powerwalk: Perform 200 meters as a warm-up and 200 meters a finisher
– Week 1: Wide Stance Box Squat: 8 x 3 @50% + 25% chain weight (or 60% of 1RM). Use your Back Squat 1RM. Perform a set every 60s.
Speed Pull Sumo Deadlift: 10 x 2 @50% + 30% band tension (or 70% straight weight). Perform a set every 60s. Reset on each rep.
– Week 2: Wide Stance Box Squat: 8 x 3 @55% + 25% chain weight (or 65% of 1RM). Use your Back Squat 1RM. Perform a set every 60s.
Speed Pull Sumo Deadlift: 10 x 2 @55% + 30% band tension (or 75% straight weight). Perform a set every 60s. Reset on each rep.
– Week 3: Wide Stance Box Squat: 6 x 3 @60% + 25% chain weight (or 60% of 1RM). Use your Back Squat 1RM. Perform a set every 60s.
Speed Pull Sumo Deadlift: 8 x 2 @60% + 30% band tension (or 80% straight weight). Perform a set every 60s. Reset on each rep.
This session should be fast and not take longer than 25 minutes including your warm-up sets.
Warm-up your box squat and speed pulls before starting so you can proceed right from box squats to speed pulls.

Choose 1 Plyo-exercise and perform 25 total reps
– Seated Dynamic Box Jumps
– Standing Box Jumps w. ankle weights
– Seated Box Jumps with a weight vest
– Kneeling Jumps
– Kneeling Jump + Vertical Jump with a weighted vest

Choose 1 Special Exercise
– Glute Bridge: 4 x 5-10
– Glute Ham Raises: 4 x 5-10
– Single-limb variation: 3-4 x 8-12 each.
– Reverse Hypers: 2-3 x 25-30
– 45 Degree Back Raises: 3 x 20-30.
– DB RDLs: 4 x 8-10
Abs, Choose 1:
– Barbell Rollouts: 4 x 10
– Straight Leg Raises (weighted or unweighted)
– Banded Alphabet: 3 sets each side
– Decline Zercher Sit-ups: 4-5 x 10-15.

Band Work, Choose 1
– Double Leg Banded Leg Curls x 100 Reps
– Banded Pull-through x 100 reps
– Single Leg Banded Leg Curls x 100 reps each
– Prone Banded Leg Curls x 100 Reps


Max Effort Upper
Week 1: Floor Press 1-Rep Max
Week 2: Seated Shoulder Press 1-Rep Max
Week 3: Dead Press off pins, medium grip 1-Rep Max
– Build to a 1-Rep max in 6-8 sets. Your sets should look something like 3,3,2,1,1,1,1,1..
– Have a plan in place to break a personal record by 5#s.
– There should NOT be more than 3 singles over 90% of your 1RM.
– Rest 2 minutes between sets

Special Exercises, choose 2
– Chest Supported Rows: 3-4 x 8-10
– Rollback DB Tricep Extensions: 3-4 x 10-15
– JM Presses: 3-4 x 10-12
– Barbell Row variation: 4 x 6-8.
– Lat Pulldown variation: 3 x 12-15
– Incline DB Bench: 2 x 60s max reps
– 1-Arm DB Rows: 3-4 x 10-15 ea.
– Seated Rope Facepulls: 3 x 15.
– DB Hammer Curls: 3 x 10-12
– DB Lateral Raises: 3 x 12-15
Abs, choose 1:
– Cable Side Bends: 4 x 10 ea.
– Stir the Pot: 4 x 20s Max Reps each direction
– Cable High to Low Woodchop: 3-4 x 10-15 ea.

Band Work, choose 1:
– Banded Pull-aparts x 100 reps
– Banded Pulldowns x 100 reps
– Banded Pushdowns x 100 reps
– Banded Facepull-aparts x 100 reps


LISS (low-intensity work. Heart-rate should not exceed 130 BPM.
Examples of this include
– 30-60 minute walk with a weighted vest or ankle weights.
– 30 minute light sledpull powerwalk

The key thing to remember is that we should constantly be challenging ourselves in a new way to avoid the biological law of accommodation. Overall, this template should give you plenty of options to play with, but just make sure the key points that were discussed stay intact.


The Conjugate Method is quite possibly the most well-rounded and effective concurrent system of training we have available to us and something that makes up the foundation of all of our programs which includes our CrossFit programming.

Many strength and conditioning coaches will tell you that you cannot train multiple qualities effectively at the same time, but I’m going to tell you that this is simply untrue.

The Conjugate Method allows us to consistently evaluate our weaknesses, improve strength-speed, explosive strength, and speed-strength, improve endurance qualities and our ability to recover, and most importantly our longevity in the gym.

We’ll also be able to stay engaged in our training process as the rotation of work provides new challenges on a weekly basis.

Being willing to train hard in the gym is important, but being open-minded and willing to train smarter maybe even more important.

I cannot even quantify how many times I’ve had athletes tell me they feel the best they’ve ever felt on this system and I’m confident the same could be said for those that are willing to go outside their comfort zone and give the Conjugate Method a try.

Check out our best Conjugate Program to Date – Conjugate x Conditioning

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